Martin Luther

LutherThere can be no examination or discussion about the 16th century reformation without first turning to Germany and mentioning the name Martin Luther. Luther can be unquestionably credited with the beginning of this great movement which most agree began with the nailing of his 95 theses to the door of the church in Wittenberg on October 31, 1517. His confrontation of the abuses of the Roman Catholic church especially on the sales of indulgences was the monumental event in triggering the fire storm that would turn Europe and the whole world upside down. Luther was a professor at Wittenberg University and an ordained monk when he began to address the false teachings of the empire known as the Roman Catholic Church. His desire was to reform the church and after being excommunicated by Pope Leo X on January 3, 1521. Luther was called before scholars, magistrates and emperors to defend his beliefs and his continued belief in Sola Scriptura lead him through all these trials. While Luther’s theology changed over the years, there were some classic works that were penned by the bold reformer that remain useful to us today as sons & daughters of the reformation.

Famous Writings





One thought on “Martin Luther

  1. I enjoyed Roland Bainton’s bio of Luther a lot. Plus, it offers a sense of his times in the illustrations – images from his day, such as a side-by-side of people kneeling to kiss the Pope’s slipper and the Lord kneeling to wash the feet of his disciples.

    Thanks for posting for Reformation day – so good to remember all of this!


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